martedì 14 luglio 2009

Mariscal's Exhibition at London Design Museum

01 July – 01 November London Design Museum

Javier Mariscal is a famous Spanish designer and artist. Regarded as one of the world's most innovative and original designers of our time, Mariscal's rich and diverse body of work spans kooky cartoon characters to stunning interiors, from furniture to graphic design and corporate identities.
Mariscal’s intense relationship with drawing and illustration is central to his career and is the basis for his designs over the last 30 years. He gave Barcelona its graphic identity as it emerged from the Franco era and in 1992 he introduced the world to Cobi, the official Olympic mascot of the Barcelona games. Sketches, designs, films and photographs will be on display alongside furniture and textiles. Mariscal will also design and paint an elaborate mural for the exterior of the museum showcasing his unique vision and signature design style.
The London Design Museum shows his extraordinary and amusing works

tve telediario2 from estudiomariscal on Vimeo.

sabato 11 luglio 2009

15-25 July 2009 Creative Minds Converge Melbourne

design furniture
design furniture
design furniture Photo by "".

15-25 July 2009 is the period of "State of Design Festival" in Melbourne.
During this edition the main theme is ‘Sampling the Future'.
An exciting initiative by the Victorian State Government, the 'State of Design Festival' incorporates over 100 interactive events, exhibitions, workshops and discussions between 15 and 25 July.
Australian Design sends us a clear message :design is an important part of our daily living and our communities life is taking place through design.
Real and surreal mix themselves in the reminiscent image of the traditional ‘city’ of the present and speaks of an optimistic future where design can make anything possible.
The clou exhibition is that of Convergence @ Yarra Lane.
This is a group installation presenting work by top Australian designers.
Michael L. Yates & Co. present
“ Yarra Lane, a locus where people will live the intrigue of alleyway shopping and dining to the commercial heart of South Yarra.
There will be a mixure of illuminated night paths remembering the hidden laneway bars, stores and cafés that some melbourians know when they frequent uber-trendy locations missed in the depths of the city.
Convergence also exhibits works by Nick Rennie, Laura Woodward, James Carey, Emma van Leest, Leah Heiss, the Monash Architecture Design Studio and the Spatial Research Group .
Rosie Scott will show her experience of merging interior, body, art and architecture in our communities.
But we can also find the works of young emerging australian designers as
Julia Deville's jewellery.
She combines once living materials with traditional gold and silversmithing techniques. At first time her work could seem macabre because she makes jewellery and objects out of dead animals. But her jewels are really captivating and amazing as we can see visiting her site at
We learned a lot about her strange art just giving a look at an interesting interview on
design furniture Photo by Julia Deville's collection.

Another emerging young australian group is Moth design. As we learned from their web page,, they don’t do just design but fashion too.
All their work is a mixture of Textile, Sound, Graphic, Interior, Furniture and New Media.
Their innovative research is the use of advanced technology.
In their “manifesto” they declare:
“(We)Are concerned about exploring the social and environmental implications of emerging technology in design.”
They say:
“We aim to infuse critical thinking, sustainable practice and energy into all of our projects.”

Design Furniture Photos by Moth Design album on Flickr.

Over 100 exciting and differnet events, exhibitions, installations and experiences across Metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria will give us the sense of designing for the future.
If you can, don't miss this exstraordinary event in Melbourne.
Not many people know Australian design. It may be the occasion to begin!
See you at 9 Yarra Street, South Yarra, Melbourne.
Until 17 August 2009 this amazing event is opened to the public coming from all the World.
design furniture

domenica 5 luglio 2009

KABK + Design Why? Una piattaforma sul design in un mondo caotico!

La Royal Academy of Art de L’Aja (KABK) è sinonimo di “innovazione, sperimentazione, improvvisazione, analisi, riflessione e comprensione”. Reputa l’arte, a livello nazionale ed internazionale, una delle “fonti privilegiate” per infondere energia nelle società odierne.
Per gli studenti della più prestigiosa accademia d’arte olandese, il Salone del Mobile di Milano è un’occasione straordinaria per far conoscere la propria idea nel mondo del progetto. L’hanno dimostrato già l’anno scorso firmando un nuovo concetto di mostra: la Royal Dutcheese, in un’ex fabbrica di formaggi (Custodi 6)!

Così, per la loro seconda volta alla Design Week Milanese, gli studenti della KABK confermano la loro vocazione sperimentale e sociale, scelgono la Fondazione Maimeri in Corso Colombo 15 per dare il via alla “piattaforma multi-disciplinare” Design Why? provando, insieme a numerosi partners, a dare risposte alle seguenti domande:

Per chi progettiamo? Dove va il design oggi e come apparirà domani? E i designer, ora, come si confrontano con un mondo così cangiante? La creatività è d’aiuto per il mercato? Può offrire impulsi adatti a creare nuove possibilità e soluzioni in tempi di recessione per rendere il mercato di nuovo sano?

Durante i quattro giorni della stimolante iniziativa, un’atelier dinamico - allestito dai giovanissimi studenti della KABK - ha offerto colazioni con la stampa e ospitato incontri, conferenze, interviste e dibattiti aperti al pubblico, durante i quali designers, produttori, studenti e giornalisti si sono alternati come relatori sui temi complessi della progettazione, produzione e distribuzione attuale.

“La diversità della società attuale influenza il design, l’architettura e la comunicazione visiva. Se un prodotto avrà successo, questo dipenderà dalle turbolenti dinamiche di consumo della società.” Gli studenti di KABK hanno interagito con questo tema, presentando i progetti anche all’esterno della sede di Corso Colombo 15 e intervistando i visitatori del 48° Salone del Mobile di Milano sul “design di oggi e domani”.

Design Why? È un progetto di Royal Academy of Art, L’Aja, Creative City The Hague (CSDH), Design The Hague 2010-2018 , Premsela Dutch Platform for Design and Fashion, Dutch Design Fashion Architecture (DDFA) e le riviste Items, Abitare

KABK + Design Why? A platform about design in a chaotic world!

The Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (KABK) is synonymous with “innovation, experimentation, improvisation, analysis, reflection and understanding." They consider art, both nationally and international produced, a preferred source for infusing energy in today’s societies. The Royal accademy of Art is the most prestigious art academy in Netherlands and its partecipation to the Salone del Mobile during the Milan Design Week was an extraordinary opportunity for students to raise the awareness of their ideas in the world of project. Last year they just demonstrated their new concept of art signing a new kind of exhibition: the Royal Dutcheese placed in a former cheese factory (Custodi 6)!

So, for their second time at Milan Design Week, KABK's students confirmed their experimental and social vocation, choosing the Fondazione Maimeri Corso Colombo 15 to give a start to the "multi-disciplinary" Why Design? test, involving different partners. They tried to give answers to the following questions:

For whom do we make design? Where does design stands today and how will it look like tomorrow? How do you, as a designer, keep up with an ever changing world? Can creativity offer impulses to offer new chances to the consumer market?

During the four days of stimulating initiatives a dynamically atelier was created and organized by the young students of KABK. They offered breakfasts with the press, lectures, interviews and debates opened to the public, during which designers, producers, students and journalists were alternated to discuss about complex issues of actual design, production and distribution.

"The diversity of present society influences design, architecture and visual communication. Whether a product is successful depends on the turbulent dynamics of our consumer society." KABK students interacted with this theme, presenting their other projects outside of the Corso Colombo 15, interviewing and questioning the 48th Salone del Mobile visitors about the “design of today and tomorrow. "

MilanDesign Why? is a project by the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, Creative City The Hague (CSDH), Design The Hague 2010-2018 , Premsela Dutch Platform for Design and Fashion, Dutch Design Fashion Architecture (DDFA), and magazines and journals such as Items, and Abitare