giovedì 31 dicembre 2009

IED Barcelona exhibits Doble Mirada

Doble Mirada (‘Double Take’) takes a modern-day look at the city of Barcelona.
Doble Mirada offers a double reading or twofold interpretation of the present and future of Barcelona, through MADinBCN and Marca Barcelona.
It was designed by IED Barcelona students from all over the world specialising in Visual Arts, Communication and Design as a final-year project in collaboration with Barcelona City Council.

The aim is to describe the city through light-hearted yet visionary stories. It reveals the city’s hidden secrets and includes creatively crafted communication aspects to grab the attention of peopleworldwide and presents Barcelona as a unique, dynamic city tightly linked to innovation.

Images by IED Barcelona

Location: Sala Ciutat, C/Ciutat 2, Barcelona
Monday to Saturday from 3 pm to 8 pm, Sunday and bank holidays 10 am 14 pm


A Sermoneta è stato inaugurato il "Primo Festival del Bijoux e del Candeliere Artistico", una mostra insolita e interessante di oggetti e monili realizzati con tecniche e materiali diversi, a metà strada tra arte e artigianato.
Allestita presso "Il Chiodo di Sermoneta", spazio d'arte di Sermoneta, è aperta al pubblico fino al 10 gennaio 2010.
Artiste e designer espongono le loro creazioni realizzate sia con materiali tradizionali che con materiali inusuali e di recupero: dall’argento alle resine, dalla ceramica alle plastiche, dall’alluminio alle stoffe, dal vetro alla carta, rielaborati per creare piccoli capolavori e microsculture uniche da indossare.
La mostra ha lo scopo di mettere in evidenza come, al di là del valore materico, la qualità del bijou è data dall’insieme di ricerca, sperimentazione, tecnica, espressività e capacità creativa.
Come i monili realizzati con materiali di recupero, diversissimi tra loro, dell´artista olandese Lucia B. M. Hesselink, che crede profondamente nella sperimentazione e nel cambiamento continuo, o le collane create con scarti di gomma e camere d'aria di bicicletta di Lorena Giuffrida, o ancora le "Moedas Vazadas" (letteralmente “monete traforate”) ovvero "arte sulle monete", eseguita con la tecnica del traforo che svuotando il fondo della moneta dà vita a gioielli eclettici e raffinati, o i monili di Maria Grazia Palmaccio ricavati da oggetti di uso quotidiano in metallo o da casse e ingranaggi d’orologio, o la designer moscovita Tatiana Lapteva , che nella sua collezione reinterpreta le tradizioni culturali della sua terra.

Photos by © D+Arch

curatore: Claudio Muolo

autori: Lucia B. M. Hesselink, Stefania Camilli, Alessandra Ciurlo, Clelia De Angelis, Mario De Luca, Maria Diana, Eugenìa, Lorena Giuffrida, Maria Grazia Palmaccio, Tatiana Lapteva, Barbara Longo, Dedora Mondovì, Carla Nico, Valentina Pietrosanti, Tommasina&Luigi Renzi, Maria Rossella Cosentino, Cristina Saggioro, Caterina Saggioro, Milena Stoeva, Elisabetta Tognetti, Moedas Vazadas, Ornella Vinti, Lusilla Voci.

dal 12.12.2009 al 10.01.2010

"Il Chiodo di Sermoneta"
Piazza del Popolo, 13
Sermoneta (LT)
tel. 347 4096112

giovedì 10 dicembre 2009

Tetris Bricks raining down on Sidney streets.

Via Abercrombie in Sydney is a tiny lane running between George and Pitt Streets just near Bond Street.
Usually you find there a good breakfast.
You can order Grinders coffee and share a fresh fruit and yoghurt (topped with fresh macadamia nuts) served in an enormous glass bowl.
But it can happen, while you are grabing a bite of your big special sandwich, that a Tetris Brick seems falling down on the walls ready to hit everyone who is walking there.

photo by Justin James

In that case you will be astonished by looking at these oversize, illuminated Tetris block sculptures floating over your head.
"Giant Tetris"(aka “One More Go One More Go”) was installed from 4Tth of October to the 31st of Jannuary 2009 and is actually part of an broader outdoor art exhibition called Live Lanes – By George!

photo by Justin James

The larger-than life installation was put together by the guys over at Gaffa Gallery, who clearly have fond memories of the classic brick-stacking puzzler.
The "Live Laneway" strategy is a project of revitalisation for the Sidney City Centre. “Live Laneways” includes a range of creative initiatives to encourage more activity, and recognise the cultural, artistic and historic significance of laneways.
Tetris is a famous video game where the player must sort a simultaneously random but predictable succession of cascading shapes in exchange for points and more time in the game.

photo by Justin James

Yet here, in Abercrombie Lane, pieces are planted without a definite order, neither there is something resembling a predictable game. The dynamics of game is lost. The street is really very tiny.
Did we really pay attention and enjoy this new City Tetris Game when we are hurriedly crossing the narrow corridors of Abercrombie Lane or when we are waiting in line for a sandwich? And if we do so how this can happen?
Could the forgotten interactive part of the game be improved in such tiny streets?
It is noteworthy that this is a significant initiative to focus the pubblic attention on the need of revitalizing the forgotten but alive laneways of our cities.
And we agree that the creative idea of developing a dynamic and interactive game is really a good starting point to do it.