sabato 29 novembre 2008

imm cologne 2009 – Benvenuti a Colonia !

Dal 19 al 25 gennaio 2009 torna imm cologne - il Salone Internazionale del Mobile - ospitato nel rinnovato quartiere fieristico di Koelnmesse!

Un evento globale con top designer, newcomer creativi, architettura d’interni, design internazionale e nuove tendenze dell’abitare, comunicazione, comfort e lifestyle e trend attuali.
Oltre 150 eventi in tutta la città: il progetto d3 design talents (concorso per designer emergenti), inspired by Cologne e future point (dedicato alla visioni del futuro di università ed accademie tecniche), e informed by Cologne (trend ed anticipazioni sulle tendenze della prossima stagione).

Cologne + imm cologne is pure design and an only experience!!!

sabato 8 novembre 2008

Tokyo Design Week 2008

The Tokyo design week ended few days ago...
Unfortunatelly anyone of us couldn't stay there..
But we can look at this good flash introduction from You Tube..

venerdì 7 novembre 2008

A strange object appeared

A strange object appeared in a cold Milan strange night ...

Is that a new decoration?

A Water-Lily Flower to sit

The Far East is never too far so it always comes back here and inspire our designers in a new mixture of ideas and shaspes.

Fernando and Humberto Campana ,walking down in the Moghul gardens , surrounded by flourishing flowers growing in the water, created the armchair “Aguagpé” for Edra.
That’s really a water-lily flower for seat.
Its thick laser-cut leather petals (in either natural, white, pink or soft green) spring naturally from stem-like chair legs.
But if we wouldn’t use leather what it could be?

A Red and Black Fantasy or ......

Yellow and White Fantasy...

Where you can Sit...

or.... Chat

Or Enjoy your free time

in the softness of a caress

Surely it always will be a magical play of colours
as in Moghul gardens of yore ...
but more than once a magic joke for our mind and heart...

mercoledì 9 luglio 2008


La Street Art insieme al Graffiti Writing è la manifestazione sociale, culturale e artistica che negli ultimi decenni si è rapidamente diffusa in tutto il pianeta: si basa sull'espressione della propria creatività tramite interventi sul tessuto urbano. Un movimento cresciuto per le ragioni più disparate (dalla critica alla protesta, dall'abolizione della proprietà privata, alla rivendicazione dello spazio pubblico...), ma con l'obiettivo comune di vedere le città come luoghi in cui esporsi ed esprimersi con le proprie creazioni e la propria arte.
La Street Art è l’arte del presente: un'opera d'arte contestualizzata nello spazio urbano, che crea un impatto e interagisce con un pubblico ignaro, che non ha scelto di visionare l'opera!!!
Il Fenomeno è diventato Cultura che si vive ad ogni passo nelle città: è sui muri, sulle piazze, sulle strade, ... inutile ignorarla o demonizzarla!

mercoledì 2 luglio 2008

Samsung by Karim!!!

giovedì 26 giugno 2008


Karím Rashid , graduate in Industrial Design at Carleton University in Ottawa, is one of the major global leading figure of interior design but not only.
He’s an interior, fashion, furniture, lighting design and artist.
His design is for all people not just for few and he pay a great attention to the contest where his objects are used daily.
He worked for Prada, Giorgio Armani, Foscarini, Guzzini, Zanotta, Estee Lauder, Issey Miyake.
Karím Rashid has been awarded several times for his work in international design. We remeber the most famous : Good Design Award (2003) for Kurve by Neinkamper and the I.D. Magazine’s Annual Design Review Awards (2002).

He wrote:
“Design is about the betterment of our lives poetically, aesthetically, experientially, sensorially, and emotionally.
My real desire is to see people live in the modus of our time, to participate in the contemporary world, and to release themselves from nostalgia, antiquated traditions, old rituals, kitsch and the meaningless. We should be conscious and attune with this world in this moment. If human nature is to live in the past - to change the world is to change human nature.”

He has recently worked for ABET LAMINATI
His design for Albet Laminati was focused on transforming the image of laminate through the research of lines, curves and drawing so that he can change their aestetic aspect preserving their functionality.

That’s like a psychedelic trip or a vision, just signs for soul and perception.
Like in every psychedelic dream there is an obsessive motive that come back and come back again. The hexagon. The hexagon express a kaleidoscopic and cabalistic symbol; it is at the same time a closed and an open figure, the system of concentric hexagons condense and dilate to infinity.

He loves fluorescent colors, aquamarine, green apple, lemon yellow and pink.

Slowly, the laminates come alive and begin to dance with colours. And then you can see whirling spirals that disappear into the distance. How can the brain make a sense of this new visible home? This new geometric perspective and the dynamic shapes are a Rashid’s way to generate a world completely from within. But this inspired inside world can reach every one of us saying something new?

When you stop and take a break or a dinner over these seats can you really receive the concentrated energy that he wants to give you or just the ipnotic effect?

We find that the real innovation is the research of emotion and the focus on perception of a weave of multiple expressive alphabets.
Hallucinations seem to come in an endless variety, as individual as dreams. So it seems improbable that they can even be categorised, never mind calculated by a computer.
The new trial of Rashid is really the contrary: the use of digitally printed ABET laminate to personalize the products with coulors and pictorial games. So you can order your psychedelic dream.
"The typical mescaline or lysergic acid experiment begins with perceptions of coloured, moving, living geometrical forms," wrote Aldous Huxley in 1954 in Heaven and hell.
"In time, the pure geometry becomes concrete, and the visionary perceives, not patterns, but patterned things, such as carpets, coverings, mosaics”.

Are you ready for this hypnotic strengh?
And if by chance you have a little 'headaches”, don’t worry, you can always turn on the light .. :-))

martedì 13 maggio 2008


Dopo le recenti apparizioni TV dell'architetto Massimiliano Fuksas (ricordate la puntata di "Anno Zero"?) nasce spontanea la satira di Crozza con l'esilerante caricatura di "Massimiliano Fuffas"! Che dire? Ottima occasione per riflettere sulle "Archistar": magari meno delirio, protagonismo, glamour, irritante arroganza e più sana e buona architettura!!!

lunedì 12 maggio 2008


Padova 15-18 maggio 2008
Talenti, storie di successo, nuovi orizzonti in un Forum.

Il Forum della Ricerca e dell’Innovazione è un evento internazionale caratterizzato da dibattiti, confronti e workshop, creato con l’obiettivo di riaffermare il valore insostituibile della ricerca scientifica e l’importanza dei suoi legami con il mondo dell’impresa, al fine di creare nuovo sviluppo e sostenere la competitività del sistema economico.

Obiettivi del forum: riunire a Padova una “comunità degli innovatori”, offrire modelli positivi e per dare nuovi stimoli e motivazioni., confrontare modelli e approcci alla ricerca e all’innovazione.

La manifestazione è stata concepita per coinvolgere non solo gli addetti ai lavori ma anche e soprattutto giovani, studenti, docenti, professionisti, manager, imprenditori, cittadini ed ogni protagonista presente e futuro della ricerca e dell’innovazione.

L’ingresso a tutti gli eventi è libero.

venerdì 25 aprile 2008


"KASA DIGITALIA" è il progetto nato dalla collaborazione tra l'eclettico designer KARIM RASHID e ABET LAMINATI, allestito alla Triennale di Milano.
Immergendosi in questo spazio si è risucchiati in un vortice di pareti dai colori sgargianti e decori optical che danno vita ad un ambiente domestico totalmente originale: avveniristico, provocatorio e interamente rivestito con i laminati stampati con tecnologia digitale, ultima frontiera della ricerca ABET.
RASHID, in questo allestimento futuribile, fonde totalmente la sua passione per l'interior design, lighting design, furtniture e fashion design in un tripudio di effetti multicolor che creano atmosfere estranianti e surreali con echi pop art.

Un'unica controindicazione:
se cercate di rintracciare rassicuranti e ordinari elementi d'arredo come sedie, tavoli o lavandini non è lo spazio adatto a voi!!!

mercoledì 23 aprile 2008

Black & white

Four artists met as young students at Glasgow School of Art in the mid 1890s. Charles Rennie Mackintosh, James Herbert McNair, Margaret Macdonald, her sister Frances Macdonald. They experienced their ideas and the “Glasgow Style” had born. They improved Art Nouveau with Japanese style, exploiting the linearity, the natural materials mixed to oriental influences.
This group of architects and artists used ornament sparingly and, with the exception of few pastel tones, preferred black and white, a preference that was to become a hallmark of the modern.

Some of their ideas are now incorporated in modern design, especially in the synthesis between modernity and oriental influences. We came back to linearity especially in recent years of minimalism, while rigidly geometric furniture, preferably black and white, reported to a great decorative effect. The Arts and Crafts Movement supported Charles Rennie Mackintosh because the design art is a free art that distinguish her from the impersonal and uniform industrial production. These ideas today translate themselves in industrial customized production reassembling the craftsman work, but that give you the sense of a distinguishable social role.
And prices make them distinguishable too.

The Magis Chair was created by Konstantin Grcic in 2003. Legs are made in glossy anodized aluminium (red, white, anthracite) Legs of black chair are made of black anodized aluminium in a matte finish. Seat made of die-cast aluminium, treated with sputtered fluorinated titanium and painted in polyester powder. Magis writes “With its anodized aluminium legs and skeletonised aluminium seat, Chair One might not look comfortable, but looks can be deceiving”.

This is a black and white minimalistic outdoor chair. It seams natural but is made of high quality polymer resin woven wicker, the bodies are completely weatherproof and the cushions are made of quick-drying dense foam with removable.

Dutch designer Danny Fang projected this “Matryoshka Chair”. Produced in collaboration with the Malaysian furniture company Kian, this set of outdoor furniture includes two chairs and two stools made from woven polyethylene fibres and an aluminium frame. The materials make for an amazingly lightweight set; all the pieces stacked together only weigh 22kgs.

And these are the latest Cassina chairs:

Black and white composition are really minimal but no more “natural”…resins, aluminium, plays a key role. Circles or ovals, compact shake, are coming back.
Can the Glasgow School speak to contemporary design and still teach something new on use of the line and wood for decorating the in-door and out-door environment? Can teach something about mixing western culture with indigenous symbolic cultures?
What lies beyond the line?

mercoledì 16 aprile 2008

SALONE DEL MOBILE MILANO 2008 - 47° edizione

Anche quest'anno Milano apre le porte al Design con l'immancabile kermesse del "Salone" e "Fuori Salone" che durerà dal 16 al 21 Aprile.
La settimana del design è già partita piena di eventi, performance ed incontri ...

As every year Milan opens its ancient doors to modern Design. A fantastic event of the "Fair" and "Outside Exhibition" which will run from 16 to 21 April. The week of the design is already batch full of events, performances and meetings so come with us and give a look ..…..

Fiera Milano - Rho, 16 - 21 Aprile orari 9:30 - 18:30.
Apertura al pubblico solo Domenica 20 Aprile.

LA PRIMA VOLTA DI TORINO - XXIII Congresso Mondiale di Architettura Torino 2008

Per un intero anno Torino - la prima World Design Capital italiana - in occasione del XXIII Congresso Mondiale di Architettura, ospiterà eventi, mostre, concorsi, dibattiti, workshop, concerti e festival estesi a tutto il territorio regionale.
Il tema del Congresso 2008 è Trasmitting Architecture - Comunicare l'Architettura - e si apre al confronto e alla partecipazione di tutti, perchè l'Architettura è per tutti!

The First Time for Torino

For a whole year Turin - the first World Design Italian Capital - at the XXIII World Congress of Architecture, will host events, exhibitions, competitions, debates, workshops, concerts and festivals extended to the whole region. The theme of the 2008 Congress is: Trasmitting Architecture & Communicating Architecture. The event is opened to discussion and the participation of everyone, because the architecture is for all of us!