Four artists met as young students at Glasgow School of Art in the mid 1890s. Charles Rennie Mackintosh, James Herbert McNair, Margaret Macdonald, her sister Frances Macdonald. They experienced their ideas and the “Glasgow Style” had born. They improved Art Nouveau with Japanese style, exploiting the linearity, the natural materials mixed to oriental influences.
This group of architects and artists used ornament sparingly and, with the exception of few pastel tones, preferred black and white, a preference that was to become a hallmark of the modern.

Some of their ideas are now incorporated in modern design, especially in the synthesis between modernity and oriental influences. We came back to linearity especially in recent years of minimalism, while rigidly geometric furniture, preferably black and white, reported to a great decorative effect. The Arts and Crafts Movement supported Charles Rennie Mackintosh because the design art is a free art that distinguish her from the impersonal and uniform industrial production. These ideas today translate themselves in industrial customized production reassembling the craftsman work, but that give you the sense of a distinguishable social role.
And prices make them distinguishable too.
The Magis Chair was created by Konstantin Grcic in 2003. Legs are made in glossy anodized aluminium (red, white, anthracite) Legs of black chair are made of black anodized aluminium in a matte finish. Seat made of die-cast aluminium, treated with sputtered fluorinated titanium and painted in polyester powder. Magis writes “With its anodized aluminium legs and skeletonised aluminium seat, Chair One might not look comfortable, but looks can be deceiving”.
This is a black and white minimalistic outdoor chair. It seams natural but is made of high quality polymer resin woven wicker, the bodies are completely weatherproof and the cushions are made of quick-drying dense foam with removable.
This group of architects and artists used ornament sparingly and, with the exception of few pastel tones, preferred black and white, a preference that was to become a hallmark of the modern.

And prices make them distinguishable too.

And these are the latest Cassina chairs:

Black and white composition are really minimal but no more “natural”…resins, aluminium, plays a key role. Circles or ovals, compact shake, are coming back.
Can the Glasgow School speak to contemporary design and still teach something new on use of the line and wood for decorating the in-door and out-door environment? Can teach something about mixing western culture with indigenous symbolic cultures?
What lies beyond the line?
3 commenti:
Bianco e nero, scelte nette, pensieri netti, buoni e cattivi. Materiali nuovi, design ricercato che pare il risultato di un percorso interno. Mi chiedo se sono anche comode :). Scelgo i cattivi il bianco non mi piace.
Caro Brontolo...
una volta credevo che il bianco ed il nero appartenessero a uomini e donne seri e razionali, chiusi nelle loro case "geometricamente" ordinate.
In un secondo periodo ho ritenuto che fossero una ricerca di semplicità ed eleganza...
Oggi non so............
il bianco e nero si mescolano a tanti altri elementi.........
ed al nero preferisco il bianco, specie per gli esterni e la stagione estiva....
che stia dalla parte del "bene"?
Adoro il quadrato bianco su fondo bianco...mi ci perdo.........
Grazie per essere qui a chiaccherare con noi...
ps: credo che le sedie di Cassina siano comode...
le altre non so..
by Red&Dragons
Bianco e nero colori netti e separati. Il grigio non è solo uno sbiadito nero o uno scurito bianco, é una mescolanza dei due, una unione equilibrata con migliaia di varianti.
D'estate il bianco riflette il sole e il nero lo assorbe, se ne nutre. Ora cos'è bianco e cosa nero? :)
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