mercoledì 17 giugno 2009

MoMA Line of People Project

If you are in New York City don’t miss the Moma Line of people.
Moma,the famous Museum of modern Art,needs people of all ages and backgrounds
"to represent a real slice of New York" for a giant MoMA banner that will stretch along the museum's West Lot fence on 53rd St. for the rest of the year

Photo by Moma
As Paul Valéry wrote
( Pièces sur L’Art, 1931,Le Conquete de l’ubiquite)

In all the arts there is a physical component which can no longer be considered or treated as it used to be, which cannot remain unaffected by our modern knowledge and power. For the last twenty years neither matter nor space nor time has been what it was from time immemorial. We must expect great innovations to transform the entire technique of the arts, thereby affecting artistic invention itself and perhaps even bringing about an amazing change in our very notion of art."

A professional MoMA photographer will be taking full-length photographs of visitors, staff members, friends, and family. A selection of these pictures will then be assembled into a graphic rendering of the MoMA ticketing line (which often extends alongside the 53rd St. fence)

So common people become a living banner for a ticketing line.

Participants are needed for any and all days and they will be part of a photo that is at the same time art, sculpture and advertising.

To participate, stop by the MoMA lobby near the film desk (entrance at 11 W. 53rd St.) June 17, 18, or 19. Come as you are, dressed as you like (the more colorful the better) and enjoy this new art-joke by Moma.

But if you don't like to appear like a living ticket you can go to visit this incredible musem of modern art that realized too a very nice virtual gallery on the web.

For questions, call Melanie Malkin at (212) 333-1272 or visit Moma

giovedì 11 giugno 2009



An interactive “tangram” through the use of the voice

Sonar Festival June 19, 20, 21

- The installation belong to the exposition “Mecanics” of Sonarmática
- Voice Constructor construct geometric shapes and colours on a screen
- Squares, cylinders and triangles….generates depending of the intensity of the sound.
- A multidisciplinary group of students of Visual Arts of IED Barcelona has Developer this interactive construction game for children and adults.
- Is about an innovative Project and pioneer in its field.

Barcelona, june, 11 2009. The 16º Barcelona’s International Festival of Advance Music and Multimedia Art, Sonar, involved in this editions and in concrete in the “Mecanics” exposition of Sonarmática, universities institutions, like the Istituto Europeo di Design of Barcelona, to incorporate their creative contents.

The “Mecanics” exposition, that occupies all the first floor of the CCCB, undertakes the fascinating World of the musical instrument built from the robotics and the technology under the theme “Do It Yourself” (Hazlo Tú Mismo).

The installation Voice Constructor, Develop under these criteria, is the result of a multidisciplinary project made by the student of Video Design, Media Design and Graphic Design courses of the IED Barcelona.

Voice Constructor is a puzzle and an interactive construction game though so that a minimum of two people can play. Through the voice, one build the geometric pieces which completes the different drawings on a big screen and the second player, with the help of a wii control, can displace them and rotate them on a second screen of 4,80x2,5m completing the puzzle.
Inspired on the tangram games and the children games colour pieces, Voice Constructor propose an experience, directed to the wide audience of Sonar, that follows the premises of the festival: do it yourself y hand made. The result is an innovative exercise of a multimedia experiment that goes around 3 axes: the sound, the image and the interaction, translated in terms of the human voice, geometric shapes and expression games (voice and body).

Is a multidisciplinary work of similar complexity to the production of a videogame, in which they take part a script, investigation, conceptual analysis, production of story-boards, graphic design, processing (programming language) and animation motion graphics….

In addition, Voice Constructor also participates in the new section of this festival, SonarKids, that will permit the kids to approached and interact in a creative and amusing way to a new means to understand the instrumentation and the musical composition, so that they can learn while they observe, they listen or they manipulate some of the interfaces, new software and actual installations in the exposition.


Original Concept: Horacio Herrera

Vídeo Design: Alejandro Sardà Sagarra, Carlos Nieves, Valentina Magini, Clarisse
Castelo Branco Rodriguez, Javier Molina Badrines
Graphic Design:
Yosip Sverko, Rodrigo Molas, Wendy Figueroa, Alfonso Molas
Polina Raevskaya, Juani López
Media Design:
Adrian Ortúzar, Christian Villacañas Camps, Ivan Córdoba
Pérez, Mia Leizerovitz, Horacio Herrera, David Torres


Direction: Sebastián Puiggrós y Chema Longobardo
Programming: Aleix Fernández
Coordination: Fabio Filippi

mercoledì 3 giugno 2009

DMY International Design Festival Berlin 2009


Oggi è partita la 7° edizione del DMY International Design Festival Berlin dal tema “Same same, but different” (ovvero “Stesso stesso, ma diverso”) che quest'anno, come suggerisce il titolo, si concentra in particolare sul "design che fa la differenza".
Nato dalla volontà del DMY Berlin - una piattaforma di design contemporaneo e interdisciplinare per i giovani creativi - come evento di nicchia, negli anni si è trasformato in un’ importante vetrina per prodotti innovativi, prototipi e progetti sperimentali di giovani talenti e designers emergenti.

DMY BERLIN insieme ai CREATE BERLIN, sono i 2 network di design berlinesi che attualemente sostengono e promuovono la creatività berlinese. Sono gli stessi che nella trasferta milanese del Fuorisalone 2009 hanno rappresentato l'eccellenza del design berlinese con 6 rinomati studi - COORDINATION, E27, ett la benn, llot llov, Werner Aisslinger e Zeitgeist Toys - sotto il nome “MADE IN BERLIN 09” per proporre in un progetto espositivo comune in Zona Tortona e al Mercedes Benz Brand Center.

Made In Berlin 09 @ Mercedes Benz Brand Center. Image © 2009 DMY Berlin.

Coral & Coral Lamp by Studio Aisslinger. Image © 2009 DMY Berlin.

In questa edizione 2009 il DMY International Design Festival Berlin è cresciuto, apportando grandi novità:
accanto al DMY Youngsters (giovani designer emergenti + studi di design internazionali + accademie europee) presenta, per la prima volta, il DMY Allstars (affermati designers e studi di fama mondiale) in un secondo spazio espositivo centrale (IMA Design Village). Parallelamente inaugura il nuovo modulo DMY Extended, una sorta di "città-satellite" con un vasto programma di mostre, conferenze, workshop, performances e feste, che contagia e inonda di creatività tutta la città, aprendo a tutti le gallerie, gli atelier e gli studi.
L’offerta del festival non finisce qui: gli altri imperdibili appuntamenti sono con il DMY Symposium (ciclo di lezioni e seminari), il leggendario DMY Klublabor (programma di parties/night-clubbing) e il DMY Shop, che offre la possibilità di acquistare i prodotti in mostra.

dmy berlino 2009
DMY International Design Festival Berlin 2008.
"Walking-Chair Design Studio", "Studio Aisslinger", "DMY Opening Night".
Photos by Anna k.o.

L’obiettivo comune è "tentare di cambiare la città, almeno per un periodo di 5 giorni"!

E siccome "un buon design merita una ricompensa", per la prima volta, DMY Berlino si associa con la Bauhaus-Archiv/Museum für Gestaltung per assegnare il "DMY Awards", il premio al migliore prodotto tra tutti quelli esposti al festival.
I progetti partecipanti sono stati selezionati da una giuria d’eccezione, composta da personalità di fama internazionale nel campo del design, dell'arte e della scienza (Jurgen Bey, Ines Kaag & Desiree Heiss, Jürgen Mayer H., Jerszy Seymour, Kyoka), che hanno scelto Berlino come loro nuova casa e ambiente di lavoro.
La cerimonia di premiazione avverrà all'interno della tradizionale Designer Dinner, in cui la giuria del festival annuncerà il vincitore del 2009 insieme con il Dr. Anne Marie Jaeggi (direttore del Bauhaus-Archiv/Museum für Gestaltung).

DMY International Design Festival Berlin 2008.
"Lingor" by Mark Braun.
Image © 2008 DMY Berlin.

DMY International Design Festival Berlin 2008.
"Ploop" by Oscar Zieta.
Image © 2008 DMY Berlin.

Berlino, con questo evento, si conferma come sede della scena del design internazionale e non solo, è una calamita per i creativi di tutto il mondo.
Ciò è dovuto soprattutto alla rapida evoluzione d’influenze e tendenze che si verificano all'interno della città, che generano un entusiasmante mosaico di stili e la trasformano in humus per il dialogo, il progresso e la crescita intellettuale.
Per questo Berlino esercita una forte attrazione non solo sui giovani, ma su un numero crescente di persone - soprattutto artisti e creativi – che arriva per lavorare e finisce con il viverci.
E’ lo spirito, l'atmosfera della città, l’atteggiamento aperto e flessibile, che porta un flusso spontaneo e naturale di sperimentazione e innovazione.

Il design è nell'aria a Berlino: non perdete l'opportunità di respirarlo!


DMY International Design Festival Berlin 2008. Photo © 2008 DMY Berlin.

The 7th edition of DMY International Design Festival Berlin 2009, whose slogan is “Same same, but different”, will take place from Wednesday to Sunday, 3rd - 7th of June 2009. Over the period of 5 days the DMY International Design Festival Berlin will show works by internationally acclaimed designers as well as will reveal prototypes produced by the young talent the festival.
This year the attention will especially focuses on design that makes difference.
Presenting three huge main exhibition zones next to a varied program of lectures, panel talks, performances and parties, the festival itself tries to change the city at least for five days.
The Festival will continue to grow in 2009.
Besides the DMY Youngsters ( emergine young designers who cooperate with design studios located in Europa, Asia e Australia and with English, Duch, German, Swedish and Czech design accademies ) there will be for the first time a second important central stand (IMA Design Village) and the DMY Allstars ( where international successful designers will exhibit their works).
At the same time a new module will be born: DMY Extended, a sort of "satellite city", where a vast program of special exhibitions, conferences, workshops, ateliers, open studios, performances and parties will take place.
Others unmissable events are the DMY Symposium (lectures & workshops) or the legendary DMY Klublabor (parties/night-clubbing program) that during this festival edition will be expanded.

DMY International Design Festival Berlin 2008. El Ultimo Grito at "Bombay Sapphire Lounge". Photo by Mario Feo.

DMY International Design Festival Berlin 2008. "Radio" by Maria Makowska and Piotr Stolarski. Image © 2008 DMY Berlin.

They have given themselves this common aim: " Let's try to change the city in 5 days "!

The traditional Designers Dinner, where an international jury presented a selection of 10 junior designers in 2008 will evolve into the DMY Awards.
The festival jury is made by famous international personalities in the fields of science, arts and design (Jurgen Bey, Ines Kaag & Desiree Heiss, Jürgen Mayer H., Jerszy Seymour, Kyoka) that have choosen Berlin as a new home and work environment, as to underline the strong creative energy coming out from this city.
Because a “good design is worth receiving a good reward” for the first time DMY Berlin 2009 joined to the Bauhaus-Archiv/Museum für Gestaltung to assign a special aword , called the “DMY Awards”, to the best project between all the projects and all the products exhibited during the festival days.

Photo by André Fischer © "Zeitgeist Toys".

Berlin, with this special event, confirmed itself as a special stage for the international design.
And that’s not all: Berlin is like a magnet that attracts the creative people from all the world.
There are a lot of reasons for this: the quick diffusion and progress of trends and styles, that in Berlin were born, is becoming now an interesting and exciting mosaic of ideas and products and an ideal fruitful ground for dialogue, further progress, and intellectual growth.
Berlin is really a magnet that exerts a strong attractive power not just over the young but over an increasing and larger number of people -especially artists and creatives- who choose it to live and work.
This mixture of different people and of different living and thinking styles is the reflex of the spirit and atmosphere that you can find now in Berlin, whose opened and flexible attitude towards strangers and differences generates research, new experiments and development.
Today Berlin is an ideal place for “ trend events” .

There is Design in Berlin air, so don’t miss the opportunity to get a breath of it!