venerdì 23 aprile 2010

INGO MAURER. "Hoi polloi – This, that and the others "@Spazio Krizia

"Hoi polloi – This, that and the others", questo è il titolo dell'evento "fuori salone" dedicato ad Ingo Maurer ed ospitato - come da tradizione ormai - nello Spazio Krizia.

"Woonderlux", la sua ultima creazione, rende omaggio alla tradizione della lampadina: a prima vista sembra una classica lampadina a incandescenza ma, a una più attenta osservazione, si nota che in realtà la sorgente luminosa è un LED, nascosta nel bulbo di vetro che in realtà è vuoto! Così Woonderlux emana una luce misteriosa.
Disponibile a 12 e 24 volt, è allo studio una versione ad alto voltaggio, per poterla installare su un normale portalampada E27, senza trasformatore.

D+Arch, nella serata d'inaugurazione, ha scambiato due chiacchere con l'"artista-designer".

D+Arch: Cosa consiglia ai giovani designer sconosciuti?
I.M.: Siate inusuali, abbiate il coraggio di osare e votate in modo significativo!
D+Arch: Ogni anno non manca all'appuntamento con la settimana milanese, porta sempre una sua novità nello Spazio Krizia. Perche qui?
I.M.: Perchè Krizia è un'amica e mi mette a disposizione il suo spazio, c'è da sempre una profonda e reciproca stima, qui mi sento in una dimensione più familiare!
D+Arch: Cosa pensa della crisi economica italiana?
I.M.: l'Italia non è un paese difficile perché qui c'è mercato!
D+Arch: Cosa pensa della Milan Design Week abituato a fiere più internazionali come Francoforte e New York?
I.M.: Milano è importante tanto quanto Francoforte e New York!

Photos © D+Arch_Spazio Krizia, opening 14-04-2010.

"Hoi Polloi" is the name of Ingo Maurer's exhibition during the 2010 Milan design week.
As every year Spazio Krizia hosted the most recent works of this famous German designer whose creative process can be well represented by his slogan:
"New Days, New Lights, New Thinking".

WonderluLux is a low-voltage Led bulb. At first glance it looks like a like a classic incandescent lamp, but the fine glass bulb is empty: the LED light source is hidden inside the socket.
Woonderlux can be made in various versions, for 12 or 24 volts. A high-voltage version is currently in the planning phase. In that case the bulb will be screwed into a traditional E27 socket, without requiring a transformer.
All Ingo Maurer career is related with a light bulb. In 1966, his first work, Bulb shot him straight into the Museum of Modern Art's collection. At present, Ingo Maurer is fighting for the light bulb's survival with a war-cry of "Protect yourself from stupid rules, use the Euro Condom!"
He has created the Euro Condom (presented last year) especially for this : it is made of heat-resistant silicon, so that a clear light bulb can be turned into a pearl one instantly.
His new creations ,Woonderlux and Hoi Polloi are again fine bulbs.

During a famous interview he says . " .... "And we're being forced to accept the compact fluorescent lamp as a substitute […]. We recommend protest against the ban, civil disobedience […]." So the question asked in the wonderful name for a lamp "Wo bist du, Edison …?" (Edison, where are you …?) (1997) could now read "Wo bleibst du, Edison ..?" (Edison, where have you gone …?).

"Hoi Polloi" expresses the Ingo Maurer's love for the light bulb. It's not just new low-voltage Led system, but a suspended locus where thread,socket and glass dance as climbers on the rope.

Spazio Krizia presented too an interesting work, “Robotzki”, by Benedikt Achatz. “Robotzki” uses technology and precision mechanics to reproduce the functional principles and articulations of the human arm. The led lamp is controlled electronically using five motors, several programmable microcontroller modules and a software interface that remains open to future additional input-output devices (e.g. sensors and light regulators).
Ingo Maurer says about this lamp: " the result is a fresh and provocative reinterpretation of a classic icon: the task lamp. ...the fusion of science, artistry, craftsmanship, materials and aesthetic visions".

Finally Ingo Maurer answered to some D+Arch's questions.

D+Arch: Any advice for unknown young designers?
I.M.: Three things
1) vote in a good and meaning way
2) be unusual
3) be courageous to risk
D+Arch: Why every year you don't miss MILAN DESIGN WEEK?
I.M.: Because Krizia is a friend and she's very generous to give me this great space where there is a "family dimension".
D+Arch: What do you think about the Italian economic crisis?
I.M: Italy is not a difficult country . Here is the market.
D+Arch: And what about Milan Design Week?
I.M.: That's really an important event as that of New York and Frankfurt.

Spazio Krizia
via Manin, 21
20121 Milano

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