mercoledì 2 settembre 2009

Teo Jasmin: between poetry and humor.

Angéline Bailly è una grafica free-lance che trova l’offerta della decorazione murale né ricca né particolarmente creativa, così si lancia nella creazione di tele digitali montate su telaio fuori formato, e fa furore alla prima fiera “Maison & Objet” a cui partecipa.
Nel 2001 nasce Téo, il suo primo bambino, e usa lo stesso nome per la società che ha appena fondato: “Téo Jasmin” , un'azienda di interior design specializzata in stampe digitali con sede a Parigi.

Ci crede e ha ragione!

Téo Jasmin, è oggi un gruppo di dodici persone e due dipartimenti, uno studio e un polo dedicato alla creazione di oggetti decorativi. Ci sono anche 250 punti europei di vendita, un negozio parigino ed un progetto di concept store.

Nuove collezioni vengono lanciate due volte l'anno:
gli anni 50 / 60, le superstar francesi come Brigitte Bardot in versione pop fanno parte della collezione 2009 insieme a Italia, San Francisco e Doggy Queen. Una straordinaria varietà di universi in stampa digitale su tela, cuscini, poltrone, sedie, sofà e wall-stickers.

Segni particolari di Téo: umorismo e poesia!!!
Teo Jasmin
Angéline Bailly is a self-taught free-lance grafic designer .
She and her sister, under the name Teo Jasmin,have launched the trend of cushions,decorative paintings and design creations from digital printing.
She describe herself as a self-taught designer who finds the actual wall decoration supply neither so much reach nor so much creative and is looking for something else.
Thus she decides to explore digital techniques mixing design with photographic art.
She starts creating digitally printed large format canvas on wooden chassis and quickly makes a staggering impression at her first "Maison et Objet" fair participation.
In 2001 Teo, her first child, was born and this happy event was for her a source of inspiration:
she founded a new company, named “Teo Jasmin”.
Ever since, Teo Jasmin never stops to amaze us for its creativity.

Teo Jasmin is today represented by twelve people and two departments, a trend office and a workshop dedicated to the manufacturing of decorative objects.
Teo Jasmin is also spread all across Europe with 250 selling points, runs a Parisian boutique and has a concept store project.

New collections are launched twice a year. 50s / 60s French superstar Brigitte Bardot in pop version is the highlight of their 2009 collection along with Italy, San Francisco and more Doggy Queen images.

Previous and still successful collections such as the Beatles, NYC, London and Paris are still around.
These collections are really a rare example of digital printing art that incorporates modernity and tradition too.

All is customizable to your personal style, Pop, Rock, Ethnic, Chic,Eclectic,..

Have you find out a distinctive sign? Look better…

Poetry and humor may be the answer.

Teo Jasmin

TEO JASMIN Showroom - 6 rue des Muriers - 75020 PARIS
Tel : +33(0)1 45 21 06 22- Fax : + 33(0)1 46 70 45 28

TEO JASMIN Office - 50 avenue Pierre Semard- 94 200 IVRY/Seine
Tel : +33(0)1 45 21 06 22 - Fax : + 33(0)1 46 70 45 28

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